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DOTB Costume 5K Fun Walk/Run

Sat August 3, 2019 Mantorville, MN 55955 US Directions


MTC DOTB 5K Costume Fun Run

9:00AM CDT - 9:45AM CDT


320 Main St
Mantorville, MN US 55955


Come join us for the first ever, Day-of-the-Bands Costume Fun Run to benefit the Mantorville Theatre Company! That's right, come walk/run in costume through the beautiful streets of Mantorville on August 3rd before the bands show up at the Historic Opera House.  There will  be prizes for adult (13+) and child divisions (6-12) and special prizes for the best costumes.  Winners receive tickets to shows and some slick hardware. After the run, stick around to listen to some great music from local bands!

Meet at the Mantorville Riverside Park at 8:30 AM on August 3rd in your run clothes or your most villainous garb. Cost is $20, but you also get a wrist band to attend the entire Day of the Bands event at the Opera House starting at 10AM! See you at the park!   

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