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4-H Virtual Ribbon Run

Sun August 1 - Sat August 7 Maplewood, MN 55109 US



2020 White Bear Ave.
Maplewood, MN US 55109


Ramsey County 4-H's 1st Ribbon Run

Support Ramsey county 4-H and run, walk or roll your way to victory! Fun for the whole family to get out and get active while helping to fundraise for Ramsey County 4-H Programming!

With each entry we do ask for a donation to the Ramsey county 4-H Programming fund!

Participate anytime from August 1st - 7th

Every participant will receive a participation ribbon for their hard work and the fastest time from each age category will receive a prize! 

Age categories (Age determined by age on August 1st)

  • 5 years old - 9 years old
  • 10 years old - 13 years old
  • 14 years old - 17 years old
  • 18+ years old

Post a photo of your run on Facebook or Instagram with #RibbonRun21 for the chance to win prizes!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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