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Jingle Bell Run - Columbia, MO

Sat December 7, 2019 Columbia, MO 65215 US Directions


Jingle Bell Run - Columbia, MO

8:00AM CST - 11:00AM CST

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Stephens College
1200 E Broadway
Columbia, MO US 65215


Be part of the longest-standing, holiday-themed 5K race series anywhere - and fight with us to conquer arthritis!

The Arthritis Foundation's original Jingle Bell Run is a fun way to get decked out and be festive, while racing to raise funds and awareness to cure America's #1 cause of disability. Put on your favorite holiday costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. 'Tis the season to live it up and be jolly for a reason! Bring a team of friends, family and co-workers to run or walk, spread smiles and good cheer ... and be a Champion of Yes! 100 percent of your registration fee and fundraising efforts go to this great cause. 

For more help or information about the 2019 Jingle Bell Run of St. Louis, contact Emily Fisher at or call 314.356.2329. 

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