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Sat October 9 - Sat October 16 Rogersville, MO 65742 US Directions


1 Mile

10/09 6:15PM CDT - 8:00PM CDT

5k Run/Walk

10/09 6:15PM CDT - 8:00PM CDT

20 Kilometer Run

10/09 6:15PM CDT - 8:30PM CDT


300 North Missouri Boulevard
Rogersville, MO US 65742


August 26th, 2021 USMC LCpl Jared Schmitz was killed in action in Kabul, Afghanistan among 12 other Americans in the armed forces. LCpl Schmitz is a Missouri native and we will honor his sacrifice.

We are tired of those who protect us dying. We are tired of the way the country and world is going. We are tired. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER.

Join us to run in honor of USMC LCpl Jared Schmitz and his sacrifice to his country and each citizen of the United States of America. ALL PROFIT from this event will be sent to LCpl Schmitz's family outside of St. Louis, Missouri.

More Details to come:

*WARNING: this will not be a typical Heartland Racing Co. Event. You will be challenged to think. You will be asked to think about how you can better your community, how you can improve the lives of those around you, and how you will continue on as a new individual.

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