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Reichle Raccoon Fun Run

Sat June 13, 2015 Glen, MT 59732 US Directions


5 Mile

10:00AM MDT

1 Mile

10:15AM MDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


6715 Schoolhouse Road
Glen, MT US 59732


Fun Run/Walk, Taco Feed, Silent Auction and Bake Sale to benefit the Reichle School students in Glen, MT. We are working hard to raise money to send 9 of our students to Washington D.C. this fall!
The cost for the taco feed is $5 per person or
$20 for a family of 4+.
Race cost: Post Marked on or Before May 13th entry fee:
1 mile-$15; 5 mile-$25
After May 13th entry fee: 1 mile-$20; 5 mile-$30
For more information or to download entry forms, visit: or email:
Early registration includes T-shirt and lunch. Must be present at the run to recieve your t-shirt. Registration post marked after May 13th ,2015 are given a shirt on a first come first served basis while supplies last.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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