Missoula, MT US 59807
Put on your bibs and some glitter, we'll bring the NA Rose, meet us at...6 pm (no way we could do midnight, we're not all feeling 22 anymore)--we're riding bikes indoors together to raise money for MT Alpha, and for fun!
MT Alpha is fundraising to train more coaches with BICP's Level 1 Coach's Certification, and wants to let out it's inner Swiftie with you! Do you know all the words to all of the songs on the Eras Tour? Now's your time to shine (and sing) with all your Alpha friends! It's that time of year when we all start our indoor-cycling-era, so come watch some Eras Tour and Swift the night away with us. Sing along (yes it's okay to be the loudest woman this town has ever seen) and sweat together. Bring your trainer and bike, or use a spin bike we'll provide. It'll be a fun party-- ride as hard as you want, sing as loud as you want, dress as sparkly as you want. (And, we won't tell anyone if you dont spin on the bike all three hours...but it'll be fun to try!)
We'll supply: spin bike (if you want), music, NA rose, pizza, snacks, GLITTER, & more fun!
You can bring: a Swift-inspired outfit, your singing voice, a friendship bracelet or two, a water bottle, and support for MT Alpha Cycling!
$50, get a friendship bracelet
$100, get a friendship bracelet and TS sticker
$200 - Bracelet and free membership for a friend who's not an Alpha member (yet!)
$500 - Pin set or bracelet from her TPS tour (*depends what we can get) plus above!
We have a matching donation of up to $5,000! Help us reach our goal and raise funds for our coaches and our 2025 season so we never go out of style!
Race Contact Info
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