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Vac and Dash Waffle House 10K Plus Run with 5K Option - Saint Patrick's Day Edition

Sun March 17, 2019 Albemarle, NC 28001 US Directions
Register today for the Waffle House 10K Plus


1718 US 52
Albemarle, NC US 28001


Even though on-line registration is closed, you can still register for the free Vac & Dash St. Patrick's Day Waffle House Run Sunday morning beginning at 6:00 am.  Special St. Patty's Day apparel will be available in limited quantities for $10.00 for t-shirts(Black/Green) and $15.00 for Sweatshirts (Navy/Green).  Other Waffle House Run Apparel items will also be available for sale.

The Waffle House 10K plus began in the fall of 2008 when Sharon Davis, Sharon Dunstin, Jay Eckman, Nehemiah Parah, John Bates, Gwen Lanning and myself (Peter Asciutto) ran from one Waffle House to the other Waffle House and back on a chilly morning.

The free event, is a non-timed event that takes runners from one Waffle House to the once open Waffle House and back.  

The course is simple, we start at the the Waffle House on the corner of Highway 52 and the N. E. Connector in Albemarle. We run along the Connector to the Waffle House on the corner of Highway 740 and the N. E. Connector.  You turn around in the former Waffle House parking lot and return to the Waffle House on Highway 52.  

If you only want to run a 5K, you can turn around at the traffic circle at Ridge Road. 

This is one of the most popular runs in Albemarle. Usually over 100 runners show up for the fun event. Our almost professional photographer takes many photo's in which you are more than welcome to use for your Facebook profile.

Of course, the best part of the morning is carbing up at the Waffle House after the run. The staff of the Waffle House is fantastic and very supportive of the running community. Please make sure you tip well! They work hard and love it when the runners come in to eat.

Waffle House address: 1718 US 52 North, Albemarle, NC 28001

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