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21 Day Women's Wellness Challenge (June)

Tue June 1 - Wed June 30 Anywhere, NC 28451 US



Anywhere, NC US 28451


You've heard consistency is key!  Well, it is...Our daily actions dictate our results.  If you want better results, join this 21 Day challenge with other woman just like yourself...Inspiring to be better!!! Together we will tackle each day, share our daily successes and help each other overcome any obstacles.  Good things are coming to those who commit to taking care of themselves each day.  What area in your life do you want to focus on for the next 21 days...Fitness or Nutrition?  


STEP 1:  Pick ONE fitness or nutrition goal below or Make your own fitness or nutrition goal to track for 21 consecutive days in the month of June. 

Fitness Options: 

  • Exercise 30 minutes a day (any physical activity such as walking, biking, swimming, yoga, yardwork, etc.) 
  • Burn 300 calories a day through any physical activity 
  • Walk and/or Run 10,000 steps per day 
  • Custom---Make up your own daily fitness goal 

Nutrition Options:  

  • Drink 64oz of water per day to stay hydrated during these hot summer days
  • Remove something unhealthy from your diet such as No alcohol consumption or No artificial sugars
  • Track your daily calorie consumption for awareness or set a target 
  • Custom--Make up your own daily nutrition goal  

STEP 2:  Pick your 21 consecutive days in June.  You can start your 21 days anytime during the month as long as you finish 21 consecutive days in June. We recommend starting on the first day of the month, so if you miss a day you have time to make it up.  See the example dates below.      

  • June 1st -21st, June 2nd - 22nd, etc.  
  • Last day to start is June 10th to be able to complete 21 days 
  • Registration closes after June10th. You can still join us for the July challenge.  Register now for the early bird discount.   

STEP 3:  Sign up and let the fun begin!!!!  You will record results on the website  We encourage daily recording, but you may record weekly at minimum.  There will be PRIZES and SURPRISES...Record daily to be entered into the weekly drawing.  Record weekly to earn your badges.    

Lastly, join our private Facebook group foe support or help others in this journey, learn/share tips & tricks, ask questions, etc. 

Challenge Prizes and Swag

Record your results DAILY to have your name entered into our weekly MOTIVATION DRAWING!   

Each week you successfully complete you will earn a Milestone Badge.  So record weekly at minimum.  However, we encourage daily recording for best results.  

You must earn all 3 milestone badges (7 days, 14 days & 21 days) to "successfully" complete the challenge.  Upon completing the challenge, you will earn your virtual Finisher Certificate and have your name placed in our June Challenge Drawing for a super cool prize!   

Join our Summer Series to earn your TANK for successfully completing 2 out of the 3 months.  (picture coming soon) 

Take our Summer Series Challenge

The 21 day challenge will repeat each month during the summer:  June, July and August.  Register for all 3 races at once to receive 20% off!!!  

Successfully complete 2 out of the 3 months to earn your Summer Series Tank!  (picture coming soon) 

Your first month:   Pick ONE fitness or Nutrition goal below to track for 21 days consecutive days 

Your second month:   Keep your original goal.  Add one additional goal.  Track ONE Fitness and ONE Nutrition goal for 21 consecutive days.

Your third month:  Maintain your 2 goals.  You may add a third goal if you are up for the challenge!!!   Those who complete all 3 months will be placed in the Series drawing.  


Create a Team

We are better together! So create a team and invite your friends/family to join you on this wellness journey.  You can set a team goal where everyone is working on the same fitness or nutrition goal.  Or you can each have an individual goal with the commitment to hold each other accountable by starting at the same time.  

Teams of 5 or more will receive $5 off once the 5th person registers.  *The group discount cannot be combined with other discounts.

Be a team captain of 10 or more ladies and your registration will be FREE!!!!! *Participants must be signed up by June 1st.  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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