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SwimRun Triad

Sun May 14, 2017 Browns Summit, NC 27214 US Directions


Team Participant

8:00AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


6102 Southshore Rd
Browns Summit, NC US 27214


We are very excited to announce that Trivium Racing is evolving along with the endurance sports world and the result is SwimRun Triad. This team-based race is modeled off of the Swedish race, Otillo. Athletes will have the opportunity to take on the beauty of the lakes and trails around Greensboro by running and swimming with a partner over a 20 Kilometer total distance with approximately 10 miles of running and 2.4 miles of swimming. This event is meant to be an introduction to the sport and a warm-up race for SwimRunNC at Hanging Rock State Park in Danbury, NC and SwimRunVA in Richmond, VA!

In year two we will be moving the event to early April to fit more with the Otillo style and elements of racing! We will also have two different distances, one short and one long. Join us for a brand new, super exciting event for the Triad!

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