4400 Sharon Rd
Charlotte, NC US 28211
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
Why teal flamingos? Since teal is the color designated to the cause, Teal Butterfly and Teal Diva are teaming up to raise awareness. Join us as we show our support for continued research.
HOW: Name a teal flamingo in honor of a loved one, medical team member, or a company. You will receive a dedication certificate via email. If you are local, join us on Thursday, October 7 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm to see the flock on full display. Listen to live music by Cameron Harris, enjoy food from XYZ FOOD TRUCK, drinks by ABC COMPANY. There will be a photographer onsite to capture evening.
Please use #tealflock #tealflamingo when posting to social media.
August and September: Collect donations to name flamingos
October 4: Initial flight of flamingos descend
October 5 & 6: More flamingos arrive to grow the flock October 7: Flamingo Naming Ceremony and Tealgaiting Event
WHERE: Southpark Mall - Symphony Park lawn
Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer may include: Bloating, Abdominal or pelvic pain, Feeling full quickly, Urgency to use the bathroom, Change in bathroom habits, Fatigue. If symptoms last for more than a few weeks, please seek medical attention. A Pap Smear does NOT detect Ovarian Cancer.
Tealgaiting Event Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Tealgaiting Event, click the button below.