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Open Cage Productions Inaugural Virtual Zombie Fun Run/Walk

Sat October 31, 2015 Charlotte, NC 28232 US Directions


P.O. Box 32423
Charlotte, NC US 28232


What: OCP's Zombie Fun Run Fundraiser– Virtual 1 mile/5k to support our community outreach efforts.
When: Saturday, October 31st, 2015
Where: Anywhere & Everywhere! You can map your own course and you choose where you want to run/walk. 
Who: All ages and all abilities. Walkers are welcome!
Cost: $20 – Registration will close on Sunday, October 25th 2015 at 11pm EST

Dress up and share the fun. Upload pictures and use hashtag #ocpzombierun
Prizes for Best Costumes will be rewarded.
Every runner will receive a 3″ Zombie Medal. *Medals will ship 10/31/15*

Race Contact Info

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