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The Amazing Race for Bryson Strong

Sat November 23, 2013 Davidson, NC 28035 US Directions


The Amazing Race for Bryson Strong

10:00AM EST
Open to ages 16 - 100.


106 Eden Street
Davidson, NC US 28035


The Amazing Race for Bryson Strong is a scavenger hunt host by Feeling Groovy All Natural Body Care products.  Proceeds from the race go to a local family with a 6 yr old son fighting Leukemia.  The race will go throughout the Town of Davidson.  The race is November 23, 2013, 10:00am.  

*You MUST be a team of member MUST set up as a TEAM and then the other member will sign up under that team name.  Anyone under the age of 15 years old MUST be part of a team to participate.  

This race is for all ages and meant to be a great time for all.  There will be check point, challenges all to get the next clue for your next pit stop....what will you be looking for?  Petals from the Groovy Girls flower.  Once you have all the petals you will head back to Eden Street Market where Feeling Groovy is located and build her flower.  There are prizes for the first place team, random drawings throughout the race, challenge prizes and a many more.  So pick you partner and join us for all the fun!!!

Race Contact Info

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