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Aha Moments 5K Color Run

Sat April 21, 2018 Four Oaks, NC 27524 US Directions


Aha Moments 5K Color Run

8:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT
Open to ages 10 - 999.

Aha Moments Kids Fun Run

8:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT
Open to ages 10 and under.


284 Reedy Creek Road
Four Oaks, NC US 27524


This year we are excited to be partnering with the Miracle League of Johnston County!

Family oriented fun color run/5k. There will be a kids walk/run prior to the 5k. Color will be thrown thorough out the race. Awards will follow the race for Fun Run and 5k. Light snacks and water prior to the race, a pizza lunch will be served after the awards. A dance party with DJ and color toss will follow the race.

 The Fun Run will begin at 8:30am and the 5k color run will begin at 10am. 

Proceeds from the run will help to renovate the playground at Aha Moments Learning Center and to the Miracle League of Johnston County, NC.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Fun Run Registration

Fun Run ages 2-10 (age brackets of 2-5 and 6-10). All participants in the Fun Run will receive finisher/participation medals. The Fun Run will begin at 8:30am.

Early Bird Fun Run Registration will include a cotton t-shirt, sunglasses, bracelet, 1 individual color packet for the color toss/dance party after the race and Participant/Finisher Medal The online registration fee will be waived for registrants prior to 2/28/18.

T-shirts are not guaranteed to registrants after April 18th and will be available on site while supplies last. Standard Fun Run Registration will include sunglasses, bracelet, 1 individual color packet for the color toss/dance party after the race and Participant/Finisher Medal.

5k Color Run Registration

The 5k is open to ages 11+. Awards will be given to the fastest finisher in the specified age groups for Male and Female. The 5k will begin at 10am.

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: 2/1/18-2/28/18 $25 (Approximately $18 Extra Value!)
Early Bird Registration packet will include: Premium Race Shirt (dri-wicking material), full color bib, sunglasses, bracelet and 1 individual color packet for the color toss/dance party after the race. The online registration fee will be waived.

STANDARD REGISTRATON: 3/1/18-3/31/18 $30 (Approximately $12 Extra Value!)
Regular Registration packet will include: Cotton Race T-Shirt, sunglasses, full color bib, bracelet and 1 individual color packet for the color toss/dance party after the race. Half of the online registration fee will be waived.

LATE REGISTRATION: 4/1/18-4/18/18 $30 (Approximately $10 Extra Value!)
Late Registration packet will include: Cotton race T-Shirt, full color bib and 1 individual color packet for the color toss/dance party after the race.

RACE DAY REGISTRATION: 4/21/18 $40 (Register Early for Maximum Savings!)
T-shirts are not guaranteed to registrants after April 18th and will be available on site while supplies last. Registration will include full color bib and 1 individual color packet for the color toss/dance party after the race.

Packet Pickup

Packet pickup will be available from 10am- 12pm and 4:30pm-6:30pm on Friday, April 20th at Aha Moments. 284 Reedy Creek Rd, Four Oaks, NC. 



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