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Flemings 5k Run

Sat May 2, 2015 Lenoir, NC 28645 US Directions


Flemings 5k Run

9:00AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT

Flemings 1 Mile Fun Run

8:30AM EDT - 9:00AM EDT


2750 Old Morganton Road
Lenoir, NC US 28645


Activate, a project of Flemings Chapel Baptist Church, Lenoir, N.C., is sponsoring a “Flemings 5K Race/ 1 Mile Fun Run” on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 at Gamewell Park, 2750 Old Morganton Road, Lenoir, N.C.  The “1 Mile Fun Run” will begin at 8:30 AM and will take place on the Park’s Walking Track at a charge of $10.00 per person.  Ribbons and/or various prizes will be awarded.   


The “5K Race” will begin at 9:00 AM and will be run partially on the Park’s Walking Track and Morganton Blvd.  The cost for the 5K Race is $20.00 per person.  Ribbons and/or various prizes will be awarded.  T-Shirts will be given.  Registration forms are located at the Church Office, 4430 Littlejohn Church Road, Lenoir, N.C.,  as well as in various businesses throughout Gamewell and Lenoir.


The purpose of this event is to raise funds to assist the Activate Ministry in providing a Prom Dinner to West Caldwell High School students prior to attending their 2015 Prom.


The event is also “Walker Friendly”.


Call Flemings Chapel Church Office for additional information.  The church office is open Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.  Tel. 828-758-5344.   

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