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YEAA's Fun Run

Sun October 23, 2022 Morrisville, NC 27560 US Directions


5K Run (Age 14+)

9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Kids Run (Age 0-13)

9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Morrisville Community Park
Morrisville, NC US 27560


YEAA's Fun Run   


Welcome!!! The Youth Education and Advocacy Association (YEAA) is hosting its second 5K, eligible to anyone and everyone! Proceeds from the 5K will go to Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. Our 5K is the perfect event to relax and enjoy a nice fall morning. However, more importantly, your attendance would directly benefit the lives of your fellow community members through our partnership with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina.

Our 5K will take place on October 23rd at Morrisville Community Park. Refreshments will be served during the event. Weather-appropriate clothing and protection is recommended. The registration fee is $10 for children under 13, and $20 for registrants over 13. Online Payment is encouraged, however, walk-ins are accepted. Donations are accepted and appreciated! Proceeds from the 5K will go toward the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina.

Our Cause

YEAA is a youth-led, non-profit organization that educates the public, especially the youth, about pressing issues and prompts them to take action. YEAA allows the youth population to make a difference through their leadership in various community projects. Our Fun Run is one such event where the youth population is making a difference: in the issue of food insecurity.

Food is not guaranteed to many in our community. With COVID and the current economic conditions, more people have fallen into this category. According to Feeding America, 1 in 8 North Carolinians don’t have access to nutritious food. That’s more than 1 million people in our state alone!  If this crisis is ignored thousands of people in our community will lose access to their most important necessity: food.

The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina is a non-profit organization that is fighting food insecurity by providing healthy, nutritious food to at-need families on a regular basis. They have been helping our community for over 35 years, providing a lifeline for thousands of families during that time. Just last year, through their various programs, they were able to provide over 97 million pounds of food to at-need folks in Central and Eastern NC. Still, they are reporting a 25% increase in demand due to COVID. It is imperative that we support such a vital organization so that it can meet its demand and aid the community effectively. 

For that reason, proceeds from the YEAA 5K FUN RUN will go to the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. We hope you can support the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina and the youth at YEAA in making a difference!

To learn more about YEAA, please visit our main site:

To learn more about the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, please visit:


Race Information


9:00-9:15 AM: Check-in
9:15-9:45 AM: Warm-Ups
9:30 AM-10:00 AM: Kids Run 
9:45 AM-10:00 AM: 5K Start
10:00 AM-11:00: Run & Cool Down
11:00 AM-11:45AM: Refreshments and Prizes

12:00 PM: Course Closes


Race Location: Morrisville Community Park. 1520 Morrisville Pkwy, Morrisville, NC 27560. Meet-Up Location: The Morrisville Community Park Shelter. Parking will be available in front of the shelter. 

Course Information: The course is on the Hatcher Creek Greenway. Please visit the Course Information Page for a specific map. The starting point is the MCP Shelter. 

Medical Protocol:  The race will have a medical tent and first aid kit on-site. Race Directors will initiate appropriate medical protocol for any serious injuries. Water Fountains are located at the shelter. Water stations will be located at every kilometer along the course. For more medical protocols please visit our protocols page.

COVID-Protocols: We understand the developing COVID Situation in the area. YEAA has, and will continue to take, necessary steps to ensure all participants are protected from COVID-exposure. We will follow CDC Guidelines, which can be found at: As CDC Protocols update, YEAA will take notice and organize the event accordingly. Please visit our COVID Protocols Page to view specific prevention measures that YEAA is taking to keep you safe! Please also partake in personalized protection measures to keep yourself and others safe. 

Volunteers: We need your help! If you're available to assist us with the registration station, water station, and/or more please sign up to volunteer between 8:30 AM -12:30 PM on our Volunteer Page. Middle and High School Volunteers will receive volunteer hours accordingly!

Awards: Awards are provided by local businesses. They will be given at the end of the run in accordance with the rank of the runner.  


Online registration closes on October 22nd, 11:59 PM and is located on the sign-up page. Walk-Ins are accepted.


The following link contains the photo album from the YEAA Fun Run 2021. Thank you for your support:




Valued Sponsors

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