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Virtual Store2Store Run and 15th Anniversary Challenge

Mon March 15 - Wed March 31 Raleigh, NC 27607 US Directions


3524 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC US 27607


It was devastating to call off last year's Store2Store Run, and we couldn't let another year go by without our favorite annual event. That's why we're offering the usual Store2Store routes as a virtual run this year! Choose your day, your time, and your route: start from the Raleigh location on Wade Avenue, and run 10 miles to Market at Colonnade in North Raleigh or 11 miles to Park West Village in Morrisville. You will get a link to your route on Strava when you sign up.

Because 2021 marks Fleet Feet Raleigh's 15-year anniversary, we're also offering a new 15-Mile Challenge! You can run or walk all 15 in one go, or log several runs or walks to complete 15 miles between March 15-31. Add a few miles onto a Store2Store route to reach 15, run a few laps of your favorite neighborhood loop, or explore somewhere new.

Submit your run(s) through RunSignUp anytime from March 15 through the end of the month to receive a fun virtual medal! Three lucky participants will also be picked at random to win a $50 gift card to our stores.

Registration is free, but we hope you will consider giving a small donation the Children's Tumor Fund via a team fundraising page organized by Holly Griffin, a customer, training program member, and friend of Fleet Feet. CTF funds research, education, and advocacy for Neurofibromatosis (NF), a condition that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body. You can donate here.

We know many of you will want to run with a group, and that's great! But please try to keep groups small and distance/wear masks when possible. And since we always love the photos from Store2Store every year, don't forget to take pictures on your run! Tag us @fleetfeetral and #Store2Store21.

Race Contact Info

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