Race Website
Additional race information can be found at http://www.TrooperChallenge.com.
Saxapahaw, NC US 27340
6th Annual Trooper Challenge Mud Run
August 20, 2016
Trooper Challenge Mud Mission (unclassified)
To create a fun, unique and family oriented event created by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol Troop D Troopers to promote wellness and positive interaction with the citizens that we serve within the great State of North Carolina.
Trooper Challenge (unclassified)
The Trooper Challenge Mud run is a 5k mostly off road course with military style obstacles and mud pits that will be both achievable for the novice and taxing for the elite. Participants must be at least age 13 by race day. There is a Cap of 500 participants. The event will kick off at 9:00 am with the Jr. TCMR followed by the TCMR! (please arrive early) We will use a corralled wave start sending out waves of 25-30 participants every few minutes to avoid crowding at the obstacles and get all participants on the course as quickly as possible. **We will not be assigning start times; all runners will need to be at the start when the event kicks off.**
Jr. Trooper Challenge (unclassified)
The Jr. Trooper Challenge is a small-scale mud run with a smaller mud pit and scaled obstacles created just for kids to promote fun and wellness. Kids will get muddy! The Jr. Trooper Challenge is for kids AGES 5-12. Registration will be $5.00 online through SPORToften.com through August 18, 2016. The Jr. TCMR is capped at 100 kids so register early! Registration will also be available at the registration tent on race day for $10.00 in the event the participant cap is not reached. Jr. Trooper Challengers must have a parent or guardian to sign a waiver. The Jr. Trooper Challenge will kickoff at 9:00am and precede the Trooper Challenge. T-shirts, timing, and awards will not be provided for the Jr. Trooper Challenge.
Date and Location (unclassified)
The Trooper Challenge Mud Run will take place on Saturday, August 20th 2016, at latitude 35.9474 N and longitude 79.322 W. A.K.A. Saxapahaw, NC, on the farm land of Jordan Properties, 1735 Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd, Saxapahaw, NC 27340. Parking will be provided on site. Please plan to arrive early to avoid last minute traffic congestion.
Event cost and registration (unclassified)
Cost for the Trooper Challenge will be $47 when you register through July 3, 2016. Registration will continue to be open from July 4, 2016 through August 7, 2016 for $57 and from August 8, 2016 through August 18, 2016 for $67, as space permits. The race is capped at 500 participants. Online registration will be available through www.sportoften.com. The online registration deadline is August 18, 2016. ***A race shirt will not be guaranteed for registrations received after August 7, 2016.*** You must pick up or arrange to have your race packet and shirt picked up at the designated packet pickup locations. Race shirts and packets will not be available after race day and will not be mailed. Packet pickup locations, dates, and times will be provided to race participants by email provided at registration. Same day registration will be available at the registration tent for $75 if the race cap has not been reached. All participants must sign a waiver!
TEAM CHALLENGE 2016 (unclassified)
Teams must have a minimum of 4 participants and will be coed, example: 3 males 1 female, 3 females 1 male, or 2 males 2 females. Teams can also have as many participants as you like! Regardless of the number of members on a team the fastest teams will be awarded using the four fastest times on the team with at least one time from a male or female in order to achieve a coed team. There will be a place for your team name on the SportOften.com registration page. ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST REGISTER UNDER THE SAME TEAM NAME. Select your team-name from the dropdown menu. If you are the first member of your team to register you will be able to add the team name and other members will be able to select it thereafter.
***Any team with at least 25 participants will get their own start wave and have their team name announced when they start. Teams with more than 30 members will be broken into two consecutive waves. Team awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd best team times.
Pre-race packet pickup will be available at Fleet Feet Sports in Carrboro, NC and at Starbucks on Huffman Mill Rd in Burlington, NC. Details will be provided closer to race day. Race day packet pickup will be located at the registration tent between 7-8:45 am located at the start/finish area. If you are unable to pickup your packet you can arrange to have a friend or family member pick it up. Race packets and shirts will not be available after race day and will not be mailed.
Trooper Challenge Obstacles (unclassified)
This 5k mud run will have all the great obstacles from last year and we reserve the right to add more as we get more creative and inspired!
- Slip-n-Slide - 50 ft long and into mud.
- The Hills - (sounds easy) but some of these hills we made and they are pretty steep.
- Mud pits at the bottom of the hills will challenge your abilities (how deep they are?)
- The Pipes - Sweep down on all fours as you crawl through pipes, mud, sand, and anything else we can think of.
- The creek – It becomes more challenging each year of the TCMR!
- Hay Bale Obstacle Course – Climbing will be involved!
- Dumpsters - With what inside?
- The (CLASSIFIED) obstacle; you will have to sign up and join us to find out about this one!
- THE MUD PIT - Waist deep water and mud pit that ALL participants will enter. Caution tape will be placed across the top of the pit to get you under the tape and into the mud as you go through this obstacle!
- Nets
- Conquer the shipping container
- Anything else we can create to challenge your abilities!
SAFTEY and SPORTSMANSHIP (unclassified)
We reserve the right to extract you without refund from the event for safety reasons or bad sportsmanship. Absolutely no “belly flops” into the mud pits and feet first on the Slip-n-Slide! (This is for your safety.) Profanity or nudity will not be tolerated! It’s a family event and we want everyone to have a great, muddy time!
Aid Station (unclassified)
There will be an aid station part way through the course with water and a medic. We will have the Rescue Squad on site at the event should they be needed.
Timing (unclassified)
Cardinal Race Services from Carrboro, NC will provide timing again this year. We will be using disposable timing chips to track race times for participants.
Time limit for the course will be 1hr after the last runner crosses the start line. You will be allowed to finish the course but we will go ahead and start adding up times for the awards.
Awards and categories (unclassified)
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place in each age group for both males and females as well as overall male and female participants. Age groups are 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+. Prizes are (classified) at this time!Team awards will be for the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams, also an award for the team with the most members. Prizes and awards will not be mailed.
Spectators (unclassified)
Spectators are always allowed to watch the event at no charge. There will be designated areas along the course for spectators. The course will be well marked. We ask that spectators and kids be sure to not interfere or get in the way of participants or you could get accidentally tackled by a muddy runner! Spectators also need to follow the direction of event staff and volunteers for their safety and the safety of TCMR participants. Please stay in the appropriate areas and bring your camera! Feel free to share your pictures on our facebook page!
Expo area (unclassified)
Please check out our expo area, visit our sponsors and exhibits set up by the Highway Patrol, Fleet Feet Sports Carrboro/Durham and others.
Weather, refund, and transfer policy (unclassified)
The Trooper Challenge has a no refund policy and transfers are not accepted. The event will be held rain or shine. In case of severe weather the event staff may cancel or delay the event.
T-shirt and Swag! (unclassified)
The Trooper Challenge Event Team has been working hard to bring you a great looking event shirt that you would be proud to wear in public and make your friends that didn’t join us jealous! No crazy or hideous shirt that you will end up waxing your car with from this race. Be sure to list your correct size when you register. ***A race shirt will not be guaranteed for registrations received after August 7, 2016.*** We are teaming up again with Fleet Feet Sports Carrboro/Durham!
Post-Race Food (unclassified)
PIZZA, WATER, and post race snacks will be provided to all participants after the race.
Volunteer (unclassified)
Our volunteers are the backbone of this event! We would love to have your help! If you would like to get involved but don’t want to get covered in mud we have a spot for you! Please contact us at trooperchallengemudrun@gmail.com for more information.
Sponsorship and Event Expo (unclassified)
We are currently seeking sponsorships for the Trooper Challenge Mud Run. If you or your business would like to get involved, please contact us regarding our different levels of sponsorship. Find out about the exposure that your business can get by helping out with a great cause. Contact us at trooperchallengemudrun@gmail.com
Communication (unclassified)
Email us at: trooperchallengemudrun@gmail.com Check us out on face book: Trooper Challenge https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trooper-Challenge/107808819304421 and follow us on Twitter: @tropperchalleng
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.