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Virtual 10K Pride Run

Mon June 21 - Mon June 28 Offutt A F B, NE 68113 US


Offutt AFB - Virtual Only
Offutt A F B, NE US 68113


An Offutt: Pride in All Who Serve 2021 Event in recognition of LGBT+ Pride Month, June 2021. 

In celebration of ten years since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell - a bill that prohibited military service for out lesbian, gay, and bisexual members - it’s time for a race (and no, not a drag race). For the first time ever at Offutt AFB, we are throwing a sickening and gag-worthy VIRTUAL 10K  PRIDE RUN, hunty! One kilometer for every year that LGB members have been out and proud in our Armed Forces without fear of discharge or administrative action.

Why running, you may ask? To demonstrate how fierce, fit, and fabulous our LGBT+ and Ally communities are here at Offutt. Nothing says LGBT+ Pride like throwing on your heels (heels optional), poppin’ on your booty shorts (or other suitable gear), and strutting or running your way 6.21 miles in any direction your heart takes you (or maybe you prefer lots of different directions... who are we to judge).

The first 100 individuals to submit their results documenting their 10K will receive an exclusive original LGBT+/Ally patch at no cost, and all participants will receive the appreciation of the LGBT+ community, either for repping your LGBT+ Pride or repping your Ally Awesomeness!


Why a 10K? The 10 Kilometers are significant because they represent the 10 years since the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy, a regulation that prohibited Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) service members from openly disclosing their sexuality. Since the execution of the repeal of DADT in 2011, the Department of Defense has welcomed Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual members across the ranks and devoted resources to undoing the vilification of sex/gender/sexuality minorities. The race is far from over though, as Trans* members regained the right to serve openly just this year, in January of 2021. By raising awareness of the issues facing the LGBT+ community, as well as their diverse and unique contributions, we can continue moving towards the military of the future and expanding what it means to serve with integrity and excellence.

Registration and Fees: This virtual 10K is a completely free event to all participants. No fees or other registration donations are expected nor permitted.

Further, this event is open to all members of the Offutt Air Force Base family. Regardless of branch, rank, or station, registration is open to all service members, dependents, family members, contractors, and civilians connected to Offutt Air Force Base who are looking to run with pride in support of all sex/gender/sexual orientation identities.

To Register:

1)      Visit:

2)      Select “Sign Up”

3)      Complete the registration process.

Registration opens 1 Jun 2021 at 0000 and will remain open through final hours of the virtual run, on 28 Jun 2021 at 2359.

Event Dates and Times:

Participants may begin their 10K any time after the opening of the virtual event at midnight (0000) on 21 Jun 2021.

Participants must complete their 10K prior to the closing of the virtual event at 2359 on 28 Jun 2021.

Giveaways: The first 100 participants to complete their virtual 10K and submit their results to the registration site will be eligible to receive an original design LGBT+ Pride Month patch (3.5”, Velcro-backed) and a miniature rainbow pride flag.

Do I have to run? Running, walking, jogging, and other forms of distance-base physical fitness are all permitted.

Virtual 10K Pride Run Rules/Regulations:

1)      Please register for the virtual race using the provided link to be counted as a participant.

2)      Athletes may, at any time, cancel their registration without penalty. This event is optional and there is no fee associated either with registration or cancellation of registration.

3)      Upon the completion of the 10K distance (using any distance-based form of physical fitness), registrants are encouraged to submit their results/times on the registration site (site page, “Results” tab, add results). Results may be tracked via common fitness apps or devices, or simply by documenting results on paper. Results should include distance traveled, distance time totaled, and (if applicable) number of fitness events to reach goal.

4)      The first 100 registrants who document their 10K experience via the methods above and submit proof of their results to the registration page will receive one free LGBT+ Pride Month patch (pictured on the registration site) and one free miniature rainbow pride flag. One of each item maximum per registrant.

5)      We ask that all distances contributing to the 10K total be run within the dates of the virtual race, as indicated on the registration site. Distances recorded prior to the 21 Jun 2021 start date should not be included in virtual run totals or submitted to the results page. 

6)      Participants are encouraged to wear whatever makes them comfortable as they engage in this physical activity within the bounds of law and propriety, and are encouraged to take appropriate/professional pictures of their participation for uploading/use/historical record.

7)      Participants must virtually sign the waiver form provided on the registration site and consult with a physician in the event they have medical conditions that may preclude their full participation in the event. While not typically a high-risk activity, participation in physical fitness is not without potential for injury. Do not participate if you believe you would be unable to complete the event in a healthy/safe manner or if otherwise advised by your physician.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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