Bellmawr, NJ US 08031
This event would not be possible without the help of volunteers. Here are some of the areas where we need help. During the event there are short periods of down time, we ask that during those times volunteers greet others and help those nearby. Volunteers must remain at their assigned task till completion. Your role is very important to the success of the run. Please know that your generosity will make a difference in the lives of our very special students.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Job Descriptions
Bag Stuffing & Packet Assembly: Volunteers are need during the month of October to stuff participant bags with flyers and sponsor items; stuff refreshment bags with various food items; and assemble participant packets which include bib, pins and chips.
Packet Pick Up: Volunteers are need at the Haddonfield Running Company stores in Haddonfield, Moorestown and Mullica Hill on the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before the Event Day to hand out participant packets & bags during business hours.
Set Up: The two Saturdays before Event Day, volunteers are need to help take supplies from Larc School over to Campbell’s Field and start setting up. On Event day volunteers are needed to set up tables and chairs, signs, water stations, trash cans, etc.
Refreshments: Volunteers are needed to set up and oversee the complimentary food & drink. Food needs to be set out and continuously refilled. Other volunteers will help with traffic flow and clean up.
People Movers: We have thousands of people we need to get from one point to another. Volunteers are needed to assist people in getting to the designated areas. Provide directions to the registration tables, pre-registration, bathrooms, opening ceremonies, etc. When people have finished with their business inside the concourse they need to be directed back outside. When outside continue to provide directions and assist people to get to their location. After the race, please assist people to the brunch line and back outside again.
Start/Finish Lines: Volunteers will be needed at the start and finish of the run to help with coordination and timing. At the start, volunteers need to encourage faster runners to move up and make sure walkers are in the back. There are two finish lines—one on the bridge for the walkers and one at Campbell’s Field for the 10K. Volunteers for the Walker Finish will hand out certificates and water to the walkers and give them directions back to the Field. For the 10K Finish, volunteers will hand out water and medals.
Course Monitors/Cheerleaders: Course Marshals will be assigned positions to clearly identify the course to runners/walkers. Please cheer runners and walkers as they pass by, if you are near a clock, yell out the time. We want to inspire each person to do his or her best and feel supported and appreciated. TIP: Great Job! Keep Going! You Can Do It!
Clean Up: Volunteers are needed to clean up after the event with such things as putting away tables and chairs, cleaning up trash, removing signs, etc.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.