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Solina Strong 1 mile walk/ 5K run

Sun July 10, 2022 Mickleton, NJ 08056 US


Solina Strong 1 Mile Walk / 5K Run

9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Thompson Family Park
40 East Wolfert Station Road
Mickleton, NJ US 08056


Solina Gonnion is an incredible mother, loving wife, amazing friend to many, and a wonderful member of our community.  At 43, Solina has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Lung Cancer.  Although there is no cure, she will undergo aggressive treatment to fight and manage the progression of this cancer.
Solina's husband, Joe, has had to take a considerable amount of time off from his job on the Police Force to care for Solina and their three, beautiful girls.  Isabella (age 14), Aureanna (age 8) and Sabrina (age 6) have always been the center of Solina's world and are the motivational force to fight this incurable cancer.
In order to help reduce the financial hardship of current and future medical expenses, we are hosting our first 5K walk/run to help raise money. We are looking forward to a great day! Thank you for your generosity and kindness in support of a family that has selflessly always been there for others. 

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If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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