Princeton, NJ US 08540
Check-in & Race Day Registration Begins -7:00am
Family Fun Run – 8:00am
5K Road Race and Walk– 9:00am
Race Proceeds: Proceeds will benefit the Princeton YMCA’s Healthy Living programs.
Race Course: 5K race course at ETS, 660 Rosedale Rd. Princeton, NJ.
Scored and Chip timing provided by CompuScore.
Awards: Prize money awarded to the top three males and females entered in the 5K run: First $100, Second
$50, Third $25. Awards will be given to the top three 5K male and female winners in each age group: 13 and
under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.
All 5K race/walk participants will receive a finisher’s medal, performance wick t-shirt and race bag while supplies last!
5K Pre-Registration: Pre-registration must be received by June 5, 2012 with a $30 entry fee which includes
finisher’s medal, race bag and Performance Tech T-shirt (while supplies last). Pre-registration is available online at or Entry fee for all registrations received after June 5, 2015 is $35.
USATF NJ Grand Prix Event - 500 Points. A $3 discount will be given to all USATF Members
5K Race Day Registration: Entry fee is $35 for runners.
Registration will be 7:30 – 8:30am.
5K Fun Run Participants: Registration is $15 for Fun Run Participants; Fun Run begins at 8:00am. All finishers
will receive a ribbon.
CASH Prizes * Finisher’s Medals * DJ Refreshments * Performance Tees * Race Bags * Chip Timing by CompuScore * Door Prizes
Race Contact Info
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