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Sat April 18, 2015 Las Cruces, NM 88001 US Directions


MUN 5k/10k Color Run

8:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT

Race Website

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Corner of Stewart and Arrowhead NMSU
Las Cruces, NM US 88001


The Model United Nations team at New Mexico State Universty is hosting their second 5k/10 Fun COLOR RUN in Las Cruces this Saturday, April 18th at 8am on NMSU campus.

Half of all the proceeds of this FUN Color Run go to benefit the local Dress the Child Organization who's goal is to provide new clothes to needy children very year. Its a great cause! There will be a Fun Zone with activities for children, so the event is family friendly and open to all! Check in and morning-of registration starts at 7:30 and the run will begin at 8am, April 18th at the corner of stewart and arrowhead on NMSU Campus.

Only $15! T-shirts! Prizes! Color!

Please feel free to share this event and come support a good cause! To sign up follow the link below!

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