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17th Annual Pinocchio's Moms on the Run

Sun May 14, 2017 Reno, NV 89509 US Directions


5K Run

9:00AM PDT

10K Run

9:00AM PDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


1300 Foster Drive
Reno, NV US 89509


Late Registration will be available at Packet Pick-up on Saturday with entrance fees being increased.

Packet Pick-Up
Packet Pick-up is when event participants pick up their bib numbers, Moms On The Run participant’s shirt, and a bag of goodies called a “packet”. Packet Pickup will be held on Saturday, May 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Foster Field parking lot at Reno High School. For participants coming in from outside the Reno/Sparks area packet pickup will also be available event day, Sunday, May 14th from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. at Reno High School, Foster Field, the event site. We will not be holding up the race time for late 5K & 10K entrants picking up their packets on Sunday.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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