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Southern Tier Triathlon Club Summer Tri Series #2

Wed July 11, 2018 Cassadaga, NY 14718 US Directions


Sprint Triathlon

5:45PM EDT - 7:45PM EDT


Park Avenue
Cassadaga, NY US 14718


This Sprint Triathlon consists of a 400 yd swim, 13 mile, hilly, bike & 2 mile, flat, run.  A four race Summer Tri-Series, race dates are June 6, July 11
August 8 and September 5.

Races begin at 5:45pm - SHARP    Transition opens 4pm.  Parking is available first come first serve on Park Ave., the race site, additional parking is available across Maple Ave. at the Cassadaga Firemans grounds.
All races USAT sanctioned.  All rules apply.  There is no refund for this race. 

Perfect for beginners; great speed workout for seasoned athletes.  Individuals of any level and relay teams welcome.
All ages welcome. Overall and age group awards.
Pot luck dinner following. 
Find us on Facebook or call 914-466-9214

Course maps:


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