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18th Annual Medved Madness Trail Races

Sun May 4, 2025 Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 US Directions


Medved Madness Long Course

$1,000,000 $48.70 incl. $3.70 Fee 8:00AM EDT Price increases after April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Medved Madness Long Course - Early Start

$1,000,000 $48.70 incl. $3.70 Fee 7:30AM EDT Price increases after April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Medved Madness Short Course

$1,000,000 $48.70 incl. $3.70 Fee 9:00AM EDT Price increases after April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Free Kid's K Trail Race

$1,000,000 $0 10:30AM EDT Registration ends May 3, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Mendon Ponds Park
Stewart Lodge
Honeoye Falls, NY US 14472


Medved Madness is our annual spring trail running party!

There will be a prize for the runner in the best Star Wars Themed Costume! 


This is the back of the Awesome Race Shirt.


The Madness Will Consist of Two Separate Races.

  1. The Long Course will be roughly 13 miles. There is an early start option for the Long Course. If you'd expect a trail half marathon to take you more than three hours please sign up for the early start.
  2. The Short Course will be roughly five miles. There will not be an early start option for the Short Course.

The races are estimated distances and the course will be set on race day. The course is different each year because of varying trail conditions. Here are the course maps from last year:

There will be one basic aid station for Long Course event. You must carry your hydration and nutrition needs with you.


After the race, stick around for our post race BBQ.  Please bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy.

Packet Pickup: Saturday, May 3rd at Medved Running and Walking Outfitters from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. We will have packet pickup on the morning of the race but WE WILL BE VERY SHORT-STAFFED ON RACE DAY. PLEASE PICK UP YOUR RACE PACKET ON SATURDAY IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.


Where is the race?

  • STEWART LODGE, Mendon Ponds Park

Where can I park? 

  • You can park in the beach parking lot or along the roads of Mendon Ponds Park but don’t be a jerk. Be respectful of the park, the course and other participants. 

What time does the race start?

  • Early Start (for those registered only) @ 7:30 am
  • Long Course @ 8:00am
  • Short Course @ 9:00am
  • You may have a little walk from parking to the start line. Please plan on arriving early.

Can I change distances?

  • Sure, but why would you?
  • Any changes must be done prior to race day.

Is there a Course Map?

  • An estimated course map is posted on the RunSignUp page.
  • Long Course will be ~13 miles
  • Short Course will be ~5 miles

Is there an Aid Station

  • Yes, there will be a basic Aid Station for the Long Course this will be around the 5-6 mile mark.

What time is the BBQ?

  • Food will be ready ~11:00am


  • There are indoor bathrooms. The bathrooms will not be open until 7:15 am. There are over 350 runners. There will be a long line before the race. Plan accordingly.


  • We will plan to do the HUGE - GRANDOISE award ceremony around 11:30am

Can I exchange my shirt size?

  • You can exchange with any leftover shirts on race day

Why can't I run with my dog?

  • Our insurance doesn't allow it.
  • We run through a portion of the park that does not permit pets. 
  • We've had complaints in the past because of uncontrolled dogs on the course.


  • Each participant should pick up a KidsK bib.
  • The race will start at 10:30 am

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




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