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Tue October 5 - Mon November 8 New York, NY 10019 US


10 Columbus Circle
Suite 300
New York, NY US 10019



Dates: Oct 10 - Nov 7

Fall Marathons are back! This year we have 3 world majors within the span of one month: Chicago, Boston, and NYC. With the help of our friends at PUMA, we are giving everyone a chance to win something if they run a marathon(or 3!) within the time period of OCT 10 - NOV 7

Sign up today, provide proof of completion later!



Complete any of the 3 challenges and receive a free Puma/Jackrabbit shirt, shipped to your address.


Basic Challenge

Run the equivalent of 3 marathons within that time period of OCT 10 - NOV 7

*no need to upload activity, once we pick winners, we will ask them to send us proof of mileage 


In addition to the guaranteed prize, you are entered to win a free pair of PUMA footwear. Winners will be picked at random from the pool of challenge finishers. 

*no need to upload activity, once we pick winners, we will ask them to send us proof of mileage (78.6 miles total)


Elevated Challenge

Run 3 marathons within the time period of OCT 10 - NOV 7

(must be 3 activities, each activity must be 26.2 miles each)


In addition to the guaranteed prize(shirt), anyone who completes this challenge will win free PUMA footwear for a year*, shipped to your address.

*Free Puma footwear for a year constitutes as 1 pair of shoes sent to winner's address every fiscal quarter.

**no need to upload activity, once we pick winners, we will ask them to send us proof of mileage. 


Super-elevated Challenge

Run all 3 official marathons this fall (Chicago, Boston, NYC)


In addition to the guaranteed prize(shirt), anyone who completes this challenge will win free PUMA footwear and apparel for a year*, shipped to your address.

*Free Puma footwear and apparel for a year constitutes as 1 pair of shoes sent to winner's address every fiscal quarter and 2 outfits sent throughout the year.

**no need to upload activity, once we pick winners, we will ask them to send us proof of mileage. 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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