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The Inaugural Emerald Mile Run/Walk

Sat September 26, 2015 Peekskill, NY 10566 US Directions


The Inaugural Emerald Mile Run/Walk

10:30AM EDT - 6:00PM EDT


Riverfront Green Park
Peekskill, NY US 10566


The Hudson Valley Irish Fest will be held at the Peekskill Riverfront Green Park for the 7th year! This year we will be starting this great event off with a 1 mile run/walk!! Participants will receive admission to the festival, a t-shirt, and water and fruit at the finish line for only $25 dollars. If registered two weeks prior you will be guaranteed a t-shirt.

Race Contact Info

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Westchester Police Emerald Society Pipe Band Hudson Valley

What a great event.  This year will be bigger and better!



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