Rochester , NY US 14620
This program will help you maintain speed and endurance with a new twist. 4pt0 training is a combination of No Boundaries 2pt0/3pt0 and Half Marathon Training. This program is the perfect option for someone who wants to continue working on speed and run longer distances but not a half marathon. Before entering this program you must be able to run (without walking) 5 miles. Great for recent 2pt0 /3pt0 graduates who are not ready to run a half marathon or for those who have no desire to run a half marathon. NOBO 4pt0 is a great prerequisite for half marathon training if you are considering a future half marathon.
Here’s how it works:
On Wednesdays you work out with No Boundaries 2pt0/3pt0 and Saturdays you work out with Half Marathon Training. You will follow a 5 day training schedule: 3 homework days, 1 coached workout and 1 pace lead workout.
Wednesday workouts take place at 6:00pm at both Fleet Feet Sports locations. You choose which day fits your schedule best. Fleet Feet Sports Armory 155 Culver Road, or Fleet Feet Sports Ridgeway 2522 Ridgeway Avenue. Wednesdays will always be speed with No Boundaries.
Saturday workouts take place at 7:00am at varying locations in Rochester: Durand Eastman Park, Mendon Ponds Park, Fleet Feet Armory, Fleet Feet Ridgeway, Genesee Waterways Center etc. Saturdays will always be distance workouts and will be pace lead by pace leaders. Paces range from 8 minutes per mile to 15 minutes per mile. This workouts is with the half marathon group.
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