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Going the Distance for Kids 5K

Sat August 15, 2015 Scottsville, NY 14546 US Directions


5K Run

9:00AM EDT

5K Walk

9:00AM EDT


(formerly the 5K Run for Lupus)
at the Scottsville Family Summer Festival
August 15, 2015

Event Information
Start Time: 9:00am
Start & Finish: Johnson Park, Browns Ave, Scottsville
Parking: Johnson Park
Route: Around the Village of Scottsville, we will start and end at Johnson Park
Awards: Awards will be presented to the top male and female entrant in each division.
             Walkers: 15 & Under, 16-29, 30-49, 50 & Over
             Runners: 15 & Under, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & Over
Contact Info: Race Director - Diane Jennings ( - (585)889-1553 ext. 103

Fees and Registration
Fees: $15 by August 11, 2015
         $20 Race Day
Registration & Packet Pickup: Wednesday, August 12 at Scottsville Farmers' Market at the American Legion (4:30pm-6:00pm) or on Race Day - 7:30am at Johnson Park, Browns Ave, Scottsville
Online registration will close at noon on August 11, 2015.

Wheatland Youth Assets Initiative
The proceeds of this event benefit the Wheatland Youth Assets Initiative.  Accroding to research from the Search Institute, there are 40 Developmental Assets or positive experiences, opportunities, and personal qualities that ALL childrend and adolescents need to grow into responsible, successful, and caring adults.  The Wheatland Youth Assets initiative sponsors and Supports local programming that builds postive assets in youth ages 0-18.


Browns Ave
Scottsville, NY US 14546

Race Contact Info

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