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Sun July 11 - Tue August 31 ANY CITY - ANY STATE, OH 99999 US Directions




Did you know that Cincinnati is one of the poorest big cities in the country? The pandemic has only forced more individuals and families into poverty, while simultaneously making it more challenging to provide help to those in need. Since March of 2020, the Cincinnati Freestore Foodbank has been unable to accept food donations, which has severed a very critical line of support typically used to help feed the community. Also during this time, the amount of people looking for help has skyrocketed

The Queen City Half Step is a Virtual Race and provides 2 main ways to help the Cincinnati Freestore Foodbank:

1-      Sponsor me and donate any amount of money to the cause and to encourage me as I prepare to run my first Half Marathon. 100% of money goes to the Foodbannk. 

2-      Participate in the Queen City Half Step (5K, 10K and ½ Marathon options) and also receive a shirt with this killer graphic designed by Cincinnati’s own Cody Gunningham

Because this race is virtual, there will be a two week span to complete one or multiple race options (I plan to do them all!), and you can participate from anywhere! While this is a race, the main goal is to help the Foodbank, so you can walk, run, dance or ride whichever distance you choose. If in the past year you haven’t worried where your next meal might come from, please consider donating or participating! I will be matching sponsor donations up to $150. Every cent other than the cost of producing the shirts will go to the Freestore Foodbank.

Race Contact Info

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