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All I Want Virtual Run

Thu December 1 - Sun December 31 Cincinnati, OH 45202 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Anywhere in the World
Cincinnati, OH US 45202


You can run or walk at any location indoors or outdoors at anytime during the race period. This beautiful wooden ornament features a Christmas message we’d all like to come true. Each ornament comes with a ribbon for hanging on your tree. 

When: Anytime

Where: Any location you choose

Cost: $20 US registration

– $25 Canadian registration

– $30 International registration

Ornaments Shipping Now

Charity: Clermont Community Toy Chest

Community Toy Chest makes a difference in the lives of children in foster care in Clermont County during the holidays. Sponsors are asked to donate money to CPS or by buy gifts for a particular child or family. Each child puts together a wish list and sizes of clothing are noted.

Questions about how a virtual race works? Visit our FAQ page.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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Race Participant Survey

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