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Heroes Wear Dog Tags Virtual Run

Sat May 16 - Sun July 5 Cincinnati, OH 45202 US


AnyTown USA
Cincinnati, OH US 45202


Participate in this virtual race at any location indoors or outdoors at anytime during the race period.

This beautiful 3 1/2″ custom-designed finisher’s medal resembles military Dog Tags in honor of our Armed Forces. Each medal comes with a set of ball chains. The medal is the same for a 5k (3.1 miles), 10k (6.2 miles) or half marathon (13.1 miles).

When: May 16, 2015 - July 5, 2015

Where: Any location you choose

Cost: $25 US registration

- $30 Canadian registration
- $35 International registration

Last Day to Register: July 5, 2015 (or when sold out)

Medals Ship: Mid May

Charity: Semper Fi Fund

The Semper Fi Fund provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to wounded, critically ill and injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, and their families, ensuring that they have the resources they need during their recovery and transition back to their communities.

Race Contact Info

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