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Race to End the School Year

Sat May 1 - Fri May 21 Hilliard, OH 43026 US



4200 Leppert Road
Hilliard, OH US 43026


Think of all we've navigated during the last 200 or so days of school... being sent home ahead of entering a pandemic; navigating remote learning to end a school year; canceling in-person Proms, Graduations, and Award Ceremonies; a brand-new hybrid learning model; working through quarantines or COVID-19 illnesses...

Let's make the most of making it through this year!

This is a walk/run 5K to end the school year. It's for all of us! And proceeds from the event will be split evenly between next year's Darby Senior, Junior, and Sophomore classes.

You complete it one your own time as a walk or run -- just complete it before the end of the race window.

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