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Heroes SAVE 5K

Sun October 13, 2019 Lebanon, OH 45036 US Directions


Heroes SAVE 5K

2:00PM EDT - 5:00PM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


160 Miller Road
Lebanon, OH US 45036


Five years ago , I lost my father, a person who meant everything to me and who I meant everything to, to suicide. He was an amazing person, an amazing father, and an amazing husband. Though this event is for everyone, I will be thinking of him. I am doing this for him, just as I ask you to join me in the name of those who you have lost and of those who are still fighting. Heroes save, both themselves and others. My hope for this event is that it is impactful, and that it encourages us to talk more about suicide and how to prevent it. Please, share this with your friends and family! There will be other posts soon following this one in order to collect volunteers and donations, so please be on the lookout for those! Thank you, to those of you who have helped me throughout the years. Thank you, to those who will donate and support, even if they cannot attend the event. And finally thank you, to those who will be attending the ‘Heroes SAVE’ 5k Run/Walk. We couldn’t do this without you ❤️ 

Race Contact Info

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