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Noah’s Ninjas Family Ninja Night

Sat May 2, 2020 Perrysburg, OH 43551 US Directions


12745 Eckel Jct. Rd
Perrysburg, OH US 43551


Join American Ninja Warriors Jason Rumsey & Ali Zakka at the YMCA Gymnastics Center for a ninja obstacle course for all abilities, raffle baskets, pizza & refreshments, Noah's Ninjas shirt, headband craft, medal.

WHEN:              Saturday, May 2 @ 4:00-6:00pm

PRICE:              $40/ child, $20/ adult, $100 family max                                      

MORE INFO:     Must be registered by April 17, 2020. Due to limited space, registration is required. Must have liability waiver signed prior to going on the gymnastics floor. If your child will needs an aide to participant in the obstacle course, please have an adult present & plan to go on the gymnastics floor with your child.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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