7266 OH-48
Springboro, OH US 45066
We are lucky enough to host an event for our friends Lauren and John Kendrick who are currently in the process of adoption. We met them through our church and they are a wonderful couple and make great friends. Lauren and John have dreamed of having children, but like many middle class Americans, they are having a hard time scraping the funds together because the cost of an adoption plus legal fees for it are astronomical. We are helping raise funds to ease the cost of the adoption for them.
We are hosting a fun 5k run at Patricia Allyn Park in Springboro on Saturday May 18th at 9:00am. We will be offering 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Proceeds from this race will go directly toward their adoption fund to help them grow their family.
For only $30 you get a family friendly 5k walk/run race and an Adoption Adventure 5k Water bottle and all of the water and snacks you expect at a race. The goal of this day is to give the people who support Lauren and John or support their cause, to rally their friends and personal networks together and help us raise money to change a childs life.
Please share this event with friends and family that you think would love to raise money with Adoption Adventure 5k while having some fun on Saturday morning. Bring a friend or group and spread the word!
Race Contact Info
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