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Spartan Cross Country Series Race #2

Tue July 7, 2015 Toledo, OH 43606 US Directions


Spartan Cross Country Series Race #2

7:00PM EDT - 8:00PM EDT


2015 Parkside Drive
Toledo, OH US 43606


2 mile cross country race at Toledo's Ottawa Park

WHEN: 7:00pm, Tuesday, July 7 7:00pm

WHERE: Ottawa Park’s City League cross country course (2 mile course), located near the Ottawa Park ice rink and tennis courts, off Bancroft Street between Ottawa Parkway and Torrey Hill Road. The course is challenging, with many sharp hills and turns. A course map will be available at registration

WHO: Runners of any age or ability

WHY: Because cross country is fun and opportunities to do it are rare!

REGISTRATION: Race day only, $5 per person Registration opens at 6:00pm

AWARDS: A time, a cheer and a handshake Hey, we said it was “Spartan” SHIRTS: You should probably wear one, but it will be hot so maybe not

RESULTS: Will be available on race day and will be posted at

QUESTIONS: Contact Jesse Squire, Start boys’ cross country coach 419-494-6862 or

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