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Run For the Fallen

Fri September 9, 2022 WPAFB, OH 45433 US


5K Run or 2K Walk

8:00AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT


Wright Patterson AFB, Area B flight line by the intersection of Loop Rd & C St.
WPAFB, OH US 45433


Who:    Open to all Team Wright-Patterson employees and families.
What:    A ceremony and 5K Run or 2K Walk event; festive patriotic or unit morale attire is encouraged!

Run for the Fallen is held to honor the sacrifices of veterans, first responders, and civilian and military heroes of 9/11; as well as, those affected by the aftermath. 

Before the run begins, there will be a short ceremony to include an honor guard Presentation of the Colors, singing of the National Anthem, Chaplain's Prayer, and opening remarks from the event Speaker. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



What mask policies are in effect? 

Current Secretary of Defense guidance states that fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks outdoors. Unvaccinated individuals must continue to follow applicable mask guidance and social-distance.  Event organizers and venue managers may apply more stringent mask rules as needed.

Please visit the WPAFB COVID page (Wright-Patterson AFB > coronavirus) for additional information and updates.

What measures will be in place to keep participants safe?

Runners will be released in a staggered manner to allow for social distancing. 

Before and after the run, participants are encouraged to be mindful of the current public health environment and refrain from eating or drinking within six feet of others who are not from your own household or remain in conversations with others without a mask on for longer than five minutes. 

What should I do if I feel sick in the days before this event? 

Conducting regular screening for symptoms can help reduce exposure. Attendees are encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Anyone who develops symptoms in the days leading up to the race or on the day of the event, they are strongly encouraged to either stay at or return home.

Could the race be cancelled?

Given the dynamic nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the event may be canceled to address the safety of our participants. Race attendees will be notified prior to the event in the event of a Public Health-related cancellation. Additionally, other factors such as inclement weather may also lead to cancellations, and notifications will be pushed out based on the conditions surround the event date. 


Who can participate in the event? Can I bring my family?

Anyone who is a Team Wright-Patt member, to include families, can participate. The event will only be open to all Wright Patterson AFB personnel with base access and not to the public.

How can I volunteer?

Anyone who is a Team Wright-Patt member may volunteer! By contacting the event organizer at

1) Anyone who wishes to both run and volunteer may serve as a unit POC and assist with set-up/tear-down.

2) Anyone who only wishes to serve as a volunteer may serve as a unit POC or assist with set-up/tear-down, medical, water-stations, or event safety and security. 

Please click "Questions?" under race contact info above to volunteer and the team will reach out to you with details.

How does this honor 9/11?

There will be a brief ceremony at the start line to kick-off the run and walk. The ceremony will feature a guest speaker, honor guard presentation, live rendition of the national anthem, and a prayer and moment of silence led by a base chaplain. 

What is this event and how do I register?

This event is a 5 kilometer run and 2 kilometer walk. 
Go to the registration section of this site and click the "Sign Up" button.

How much is the event?

The event is FREE!

Where are we meeting?

We will meet on Area B, on the corner of Loop Road and C Street. Refer to the map for further visual details.

If I am coming from Area A, where will I park?

There will be parking available in the parking lot on the corner of Loop Road and C Street. The entrance to this lot is across from Wright Field Fitness Center, off of C Street. Refer to the blue outline on the map for parking details.

Is this an alternate duty location for military/civilian personnel?

This is an 88th ABW and NASIC approved alternate duty location.

Military members and civilian employees may attend the Run for the Fallen as part of their normal duty day with no charge to leave, if authorized by their first level supervisor and mission requirements permitting. 

What can runners wear? Are headphones permitted?

Festive or unit morale attire is encouraged! No uniform required for military or civilian race participants, though clothing must be appropriate athletic gear. 

Headphones are allowed but should not be a distraction, to yourself or others, from proper safety measures and the purpose of the event.

Are strollers or handicapped bicycles allowed?

Strollers are allowed when walking. Handicapped bicycles are allowed this year; however, other bicycles, roller skates/blades, hover boards, etc. are NOT permitted.

Are pets allowed?

We are not able to allow pets at this event; sorry for any inconvenience.

See PDF Below For Alternate Duty Location Information

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.



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