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Bob Hurley Ford 5K Glow Run & Family Fun Walk

Sat May 6, 2017 Cleveland, OK 74020 US Directions



8:15PM CDT - 10:00PM CDT

Family Fun Walk

8:00PM CDT - 10:00PM CDT


Cleveland High School
Cleveland, OK
Cleveland, OK US 74020



Cleveland Partners in Education is hosting their 2nd Annual 5K and Family Fun Walk.  All proceeds will benefit Cleveland Public School and will be given to teachers in the form of grants for their classroom.  Bring your family for a fun evening and support a great cause!!!

Preregistration will be open until April 21st and includes a shirt and glow stick.  Late registration will not guarantee a shirt and will be available while supplies last.

Water will be offered along the course and awards will be given at the end.

Come decked out in your glowing attire and ready for an evening of fun!

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