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Oklahoma Crossing Challenge

Sat June 20 - Tue September 22 Muskogee, OK 74403 US


Anywhere in OK - Doesn't even have to be in OK
812 Eastside Blvd
Muskogee, OK US 74403


Walking or running across Oklahoma would be for the .001% of folks, but covering that distance over the course of the summer is possible for many of Oklahomans.  Oklahoma Crossing is a virtual challenge that covers the calendar Summer, June 20 to September 22, and features three state crossing challenges that you can walk and/or run:  






Choose a distance that works for you and sign up and get started (any time after June 20).  Hopefully there is a distance that sets the bar higher than what you would otherwise, but isn’t completely unrealistic.  This event is designed to challenge  you to keep moving throughout the summer.        


Dates: June 20 to September 22nd, 2020


Cost: Adults - $40 for any distance. 17 & Under - $30 for any distance.   


Location: Anywhere you are! Doesn’t even have to be in Oklahoma, so non-okies are welcome!  (please read below about the treadmill use in rules of the road)


Summer Swag included in Mailed Packets (See pictures below):

-       OK crossing Medal & Belt Buckle Combo

-       Your choice of Tank top or shorts

-       OK Crossing Sunglasses


The Cause: Parkinson Foundation of Oklahoma – 20% of the proceeds from this event will go to further their mission of inspiring hope and transforming the lives of Parkinson’s patients and families in Oklahoma. Walking daily can be just as important as medication or therapy in managing Parkinson’s.  OK Crossing participants will be doing some of the same daily efforts that many Parkinson’s patients have no choice but doing to stay ahead of the disease.      


Event Host: I:40 Race Service – Run timing, management, and measurement company based of Muskogee, OK –


Posting your distance/The Results Leaderboard:  This is an interactive virtual challenge that will require some upkeep on your end.  You will see “Results” tab on the top menu of this page.  That is where you will go to submit your daily mileage.  It’s very simple even the first time and here are some instructions:  


1) Go to this page ( and login to your RunSignup account.

2) Navigate to the Results page.

3) Click "Submit Virtual Results"

4) You will be shown a calendar and you’ll select the current day or the day for which you are entering the miles.  Fill in the second box that says "Distance in Miles".  It will ask for your time, but you can skip that because we only care about your distance.  Then click "Submit your time".


We will know that you finished – When the last day of summer hits on September 22nd hits, we will pull the names of those that completed the mileage on each event leaderboard.  The following week we will mail the finishers packets to each finisher.  


Motivation & Competitive Element:

-       Reason #1 – To say that you’ve walked or run across the State of Oklahoma and to keep fit all summer long.  

-       Reason #2 – The leaderboard will make this ongoing competition, so you can compete with your friends or against the whole field of runners.  The 1st male and female to finish each event will get and OK Crossing Oklahoma shaped plaque. 


Rules of the Road:

-       Rule #1 - Of Course the honor system is imperative for this work, so please make that rule #1 

-       Rule #2 – When you run or walk on a treadmill, you technically aren’t going anywhere.  Plus, that is huge advantage this time of year, so rules of the road #2 is no treadmill.  We might lose some folks on this rule, but we think a level playing field is important.   

-       Rule #3 – Have fun with this event and share about your journey on social media along the way.


Summer Swag & Packets:

-       OK crossing Medal / Belt Buckle

-       Your choice of Tank top or shorts

-       OK Crossing Sunglasses


Questions – email us at


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Finishers Medal & Belt Buckle Combo


Performance Tank Top


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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