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Summer/Fall 2021 Full and Half Marathon Training

Sat July 10 - Sat November 13 Tulsa, OK 74105 US Directions


Full Marathon Training

7:15AM CDT - 11:59PM CST

Half Marathon Training

7:15AM CDT - 11:59PM CST


RunnersWorld Tulsa Half and Full Training Program

Join our Half or Full Marathon 20-week training program that has helped 1000's of runners and walkers reach their marathon or half marathon goals. This training session race goal will be the 2021 Route66 Half and Full Marathon in November, you do not have to do the race to train with us. We will also have a training plan for OKC Marathon that you can follow too!

Cost: $35 until 7/18 and $40 after (This does not include registration for a marathon)
Training Schedule:Monday and Thursday Nights at 5:30pm, Saturday Mornings time and location varies (Saturday's are our long mileage days)

Registration Includes:

• Custom technical training shirt
• Experienced Run Leaders
• The most affordable training program in town
• Weekly motivational and informational emails from your Run Leader
• Planned and supported routes for your long runs on Saturdays
• Informational seminars about shoes, form, and injury prevention
• Support and motivation needed to keep you going
• Pace groups for both Full and Half groups. Faster than 9 min mile to Walkers
• There is a speed suited for every participant
• We accommodate all levels of runners from the first time marathon/half runner to those trying to qualify for Boston
Join us to complete your first or 101st half or full marathon! If you have questions please contact us or 918-749-7557.

Our first Training Run will be Saturday July 10th at 7:30am. You will receive an email from your Run Leader the week of July 5th with more details about the route and training. Training plans will be uploaded to our website by July.

If you would like to know more  or have questions please stop by or give us a call at 918-749-7557.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about RunnersWorld Tulsa Training

  1. What is a Run Leader? Your Run Leaders are experienced runners who will send you a weekly email informing you about the Saturday run, provide some tidbits of information and entertainment. They will run the front pace and back pace of your pace group. So, if you are in the 10-11 pace group one will run 10-10:15 pace and the other 10:45-11:00 pace. You stay in-between them for pacing.
  2. I can't attend the first training run on 7/10! That is ok! Join us when you can, we know everyone has busy lives so if you miss the first group run just follow the training plan for that day and run on your own.
  3. I can only attend once during the week. That is ok! Join us when you can and just follow your training plan to get the weekly mileage.
  4. Can I change pace groups? Yes you can change pace groups at any time or just choose to run with a faster or slower one for a weekend or two. If you want to permanently change just let your new and old Run Leader know.
  5. What if it is raining, snowing or sleeting or hot? We RUN!! If there is lightening we will wait. Remember you are an adult and you can choose to not run/walk. We leave that decision up to you.
  6. I need to train for a different race than Route 66, what do I do? Let Kathy or Barbara know and we can modify and adjust your training plan to line up with your race.
  7. When do I get my training shirt? We will order shirts mid-July once we have most of the registrations in and do an initial order. You should receive 1-2 weeks after 7/18 training.
  8. I have another question you didn't answer here.... Give the store a call 918-749-7557


3920 S Peoria
Tulsa, OK US 74105

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

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