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Stumptown Quarantine Summer Series

Sun June 28 - Sun August 9 Portland, OR 97219 US


The final race is in progress now: _Race #3 Results_

Race #2 Results

Race #1 Results

You can still register and participate in the final event (Stumptown Virtual 5K).

This is a three-race, XC-scored virtual race series that will only accept Garmin Connect or Strava activities with Individual prize money awarded based on age-graded places. The series consists of the following three events:

1. Sunday, June 28th to end of day Saturday, July 4th - Stumptown Virtual 10K
2. Monday, July 20th to end of day Sunday, July 26th - Grade Adjusted Uphill Mile
3. Monday, August 3rd to end of day Sunday, August 9th - Stumptown Virtual 5K

Individual prize money for both men and women is awarded for the series based on the highest placement in 2 out of any 3 races based on age-graded places. The prize money is the following:

First Place $300
Second Place $200
Third Place $100

In addition, 1st place non age-graded male and female for the series (best 2 of 3 races based on overall place) receives $100. If an overall winner is also an age-graded prize winner, the participant receives both awards.

As with standard XC races there are separate Mens and Womens events with Men and Women being scored independently.

Non-TRL Members: $5 per race or $10 for the entire series (plus $2 RunSignUp transaction fee)
Team Red Lizard Members and Youth (20 and under): Free

Age-Graded Results
Age-grade rankings will be done using the 2015 road race factors accepted by World Masters Athletics and the USATF Masters LDR committee. 

The restriction on courses are: 1) For the 10K you can not run your event on a track. 2) For the 10K and 5K, your course can not have a total of more than 100ft of net elevation loss per mile for the total course length (eg, 620ft for the 10K; 310ft for the 5K). 3) For the Grade Adjusted Uphill Mile your course must have at least 100ft of gross elevation gain. There is no requirement that the courses start and finish within a half mile of each other as during the Spring Quarantine 5K. If you run your 5K on the track, it must be an exact 5K as measured by the track - 12.5 laps, and you cannot crop your GPs activity.

Submitting Results
Results will only be accepted from a Garmin Connect or Strava link. The elapsed time of your Garmin Connect or Strava activity will be used as your race time. The elapsed time is the time between when you start your activity and when you stop your activity and includes any time your watch is stopped during the activity, such as if you stop at a stoplight. If you forget to hit stop at the end of the activity, you can crop your activity in both Garmin Connect and Strava.

Team Scoring in Open and Masters Categories
Each race will include XC Team scoring using the Standard Stumptown XC Scoring Rules in which, for Open, Masters 40+, and Masters 50+ categories the top four runners of each team score and the fifth runner is a displacer. For Masters 60+ and Masters 70+, the top 3 runners will score and the 4th is a displacer. The team scoring will be done with non-age graded places.

Individual Results
Individual results will including rankings in 5 year age groups as well as rankings based on age-graded times.


Time Verification

When you submit your time you will be required to submit the URL to your Strava or Garmin Connect activity and that activity must be set to public. The time, name, and distance on the activity will be verified against your entry. Your race time will be the elapsed time on your activity. Eg, if you stop your watch during the activity the time you are stopped is measured as part of your race time.


Q: How do I submit my results?
A: You will receive an email prior to the race with instructions on how to submit results. You will be able to submit your results by either texting a link of your Strava or Garmin Connect activity to an automated system or you can fill out a web form and provide a URL to your Strava or Garmin Connect activity.

Q: I have seen multiple age grading formulas. Which ones will you use?
A: We will use the 2015 Age Grade factors accepted by the World Masters Associations and the USATF Masters Long Distance Running Committee that are HERE. Note that there are different factors for road and track races. We are using road factors for the 5K and 10K and the track factors for the 1 Mile (as there are no road factors for 1 Mile).

Q: What is a Grade-Adjusted Uphill Mile?
A: You will submit a result from running one mile uphill in which your course has at least 100 vertical feet of gain. The system will then calculate the equivalent time as if you had run your mile on a flat course and that time will be your race result. The formula used is TimeInSeconds * (0.00000000000000003*ElevationGain^5 - 2.2349801E-13*ElevationGain^4 + 5.6063761656E-10*ElevationGain^3 - 3.8820773629695E-07*ElevationGain^2 - 0.00052627728485688*ElevationGain + 1.00367031488855). The formula was derived from Strava's data. It will give slightly different results than what Strava shows as Grade Adjusted Pace as we are assume the gradient is even throughout your course where Strava's GAP takes into account changing gradients through out the run. There is a spreadsheet in the Stumptown Cross Facebook group to help calculate the grade adjusted pace if you want to see what it would be for different courses.

Q: I don't own a GPS
A: Your phone likely has a GPS in it and you can record your activity by downloading the Strava app in your phone's app store. In order to hold a bona fide competition there has to be a means by which athletic performances are verified, and in a virtual race GPS or footpod seems to be the best way to do it. You will need a GPS-recording device or footpod to participate.

Q: I was on pace to run a sub 13 minute 5K but my Garmin broke mid run. Can you take my word for my time?
A: Sorry but no. You can re-attempt your run within the submission period.

Q: I have other questions you didn't answer.
A: You can either ask on the Stumptown Cross Group on Facebook or click the "Questions" button on this page

Q: Do I need to be in Portland or perform my run in Portland?
A: No the race is open to participants everywhere! You can perform you run wherever you like.

Q: Do the start and finish need to be a minimum distance between each other
A: No they do not. Unlike the Spring Quarantine 5K there are no requirements on the distances between the start and finish points.

Q:  Do I need to run a downhill course for the 5K or 10K?
A:  You do not. A flat course is obviously the truest test of your personal performance, but we know that with any road course people select for themselves, it is more likely going to lose more elevation than it gains.  The average of 100' of loss per mile rule (so 310' total for 5K and 620' for 10K) is intended to allow some reasonable amount of drop, without making anyone think that running leg 1 of Hood to Coast from Timberline Lodge is a good idea (trust me, it is not).


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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