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Viking Color Run

Sat November 14, 2015 Stayton, OR 97383 US Directions


5K Viking Color Run

9:00AM PST - 11:00AM PST

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


1021 Shaff Road
Stayton, OR US 97383


Join us on Saturday, November 14th at 9:00 AM for a colorful fun-filled day! Race day register will begin at 8:00am.  This 5K trail run takes you on a journey through the woods behind Stayton Intermediate and Middle Schools. All proceeds to benefit Stayton Intermediate/Middle School PTC & go towards the purchase of a reader board and installation of a jogging path on the schools’ campus. Along the course, you will encounter five different color stations where you will be blasted with a variety of colors. Run, walk, skip, dance, or twirl your way through the course, but make sure you do not miss this joyful experience!

Registration: Register before the run and save money! For every paid adult runner, you can register a child (8th grade and under) for FREE! Single adults are $25 by November 6th and $30 after that. Additional children are $10 each. Feel free to make teams or family groups to get the best price.  Register at:

Color Stations: Although the colored powder is 100% safe and made in the United States, you will still want to keep the powder out of your eyes and mouth as much as possible during the run. We offer a runner’s kit that includes sunglasses to protect your eyes and a bandana to keep color out of your mouth. In addition, a run t-shirt is included in the package. If this is of interest to you, please make sure to order the runner’s kit when you pre-register. This deal is only available until November 6th!

Race Contact Info

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