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LilysRockRun VIRTUAL 5K

Sat September 12 - Sat September 19 ANYWHERE!, PA 09999 US Directions




Help Lily’s Fight “We Got this…”

Please come out, and join 11-year-old Lily Chung in her brave battle against Neuroblastoma, a rare form of pediatric cancer. In the United States, about 800 new cases of Neuroblastoma are diagnosed each year. Funds will be allocated towards vital pediatric cancer research of Neuroblastoma at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

***LilysRockRun 5K has gone virtual!  With the ongoing pandemic, we wish to keep this a safe and fun activity for everyone as we come together for the common goal of raising awareness to Neuroblastoma. 

How this works:

·      Run or walk your 5K anytime between September 12th – September 19th.  You choose your course in the neighborhood, in the park, on the treadmill, on a track

·      You time your own race using a phone or smartwatch

·      Submit your race time on the runsignup platform.  You will click on RESULTS, sign in to your account, click on “submit virtual results” 

·      Race bags with T-shirt will be available for pick up by contacting Race Directors ( Registration is closing Saturday 9/19/20

·      Please take photos or videos of your race (maybe wearing your LilysRockRun shirt) and post on Facebook or Instagram using #lilysrockrun, #lilysfight and tagging Ashleigh or So Chung.  You may also send encouraging words to Lily!

Questions?  Contact Megan Downes or Lisa Tolotta 

Registration Fee: March-April
July-Race Date
$35 (13 years and older) $20 (12 and younger) 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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