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Be A Hero Run Virtual Event

Sat July 4 - Sat July 18


The Arc of Erie has joined forces this year with The Epilepsy Project for a special summer event. During this pandemic year, will you “Be a Hero” for individuals and families touched by a disability?Join us on Facebook Live July 4th on the Facebook event page as Millenium Sound and Ryan Bizzarro kick off a two-week series of Fun-filled challenges. You only pay $20 per household and each family that registers will receive an Iron Empire drawstring tote bag, a custom water bottle with our new event logo, and a variety of family friendly goodies!

You can create a team and be heroes together.  New this year - you can create a fundraising page and race to see how much money you can raise for both these awesome organizations!

The event will run from July 4th - July 18th. Challenges are superhero themed.  We have two different sets - one that is more family friendly and one that has more formal fitness challenges.  Choose from either set, or do some from both!  Either way, you are going to have lots of fun! . Event details are also be posted on each organization's FB page and on the Facebook Event page.  As you complete a challenge, post it to Facebook and tag @The Arc of Erie OR @The Epilepsy Project and #HeroRun2020.  We will keep track of all posts and entries.  Prizes can be won for:

  • Most challenges completed
  • Fastest time for 5K and 1 mile (prizes will be for fastest overall for each - no age groups)
  • Most money raised
  • Most people on a team
  • Most social shares

Not up for completing every challenge? No worries.  Every challenge completed enters you into a separate drawing for a prize just for participating! Stay tuned for more details on prizes.  We have toys, fabulous local merchandise, and gift cards for local eateries and family fun outings.  There will also be raffle baskets available to bid on. Photos will be listed in the coming weeks on this site and will be promoted through both organization's FB pages.

When you sign up, only one individual needs to register for the household.  You only pay $20 per household.  There will be questions during registration where you can select and add the other members of your family for the event. 

Will you "Be A Hero?" We hope so!  See you on Facebook! #HeroRun2020

Click on the links to view the two different sets of challenges.  

Hero Run Challenges - Family Friendly

Formal Fitness Challenges


Virtual Event Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Virtual Event, click the button below.

Arc Angel

Arc Crusader


Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

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