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Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk

Sat August 5, 2017 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 US Directions


Kid's 1-Mile Run

8:00AM EDT
Open to ages 1 - 13.


A fundraising 5K Run & Walk with a 1-Mile Kid's Run through the Dick's Sporting Goods Sportsplex at Graham Park (Cranberry Township, PA) in support of the Cranberry CUP mission to provide support to local inspirational Individuals and Families.  Three events (see detailed descriptions below) are open online for registration.

  • 5K Run for registered runners
  • 5K Walk for registered walkers
  • 1-Mile Kid's Run for children ages 13 & under

WHERE:   Dick's Sporting Goods Sportsplex at Graham Park (Cranberry Township, PA)

WHEN:     Saturday, August 5th at 8am

REGISTRATION FEE:  $25 online through noon on Aug 4th;  $30 Day of Event.  Online registration will close at noon on August 3rd.


****Please note that alcohol and pets are not permitted in Cranberry Township parks and facilities.****


Dick's Sporting Goods Sportsplex at Graham Park
260 Graham Park Drive
Cranberry Township, PA US 16066

Men's & Women's 5K RUNNER Information

Event Description

  • 5K cross-country run within the Dick's Sporting Goods Sportsplex at Graham Park (Cranberry Township, PA).  Course includes paved roads, paved trails, and sidewalks.

Registration Fee

  • $25 online through August 4th;  $30 Day of Event.
  • No refunds.


  • All registered runners will receive a Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk T-Shirt
  • Each registered runner will be be given a single Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk Raffle Ticket and be eligible for all raffled items. Each raffle ticket can only win once.

Runner Awards

1st, 2nd and 3rd Place medals will be awarded at the Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk Awards Ceremony immediately following the run.

  • Overall Men's
  • Overall Women's
  • Men's for each Age Grouping
  • Women's for each Age Grouping

Age Groupings 

All runners in the Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk are required to register online.  In addition to runner awards for best overall in men's and women's categories, each registered RUNNER will also be categorized by their birthdate into their corresponding age group (see categories below) and will compete against others in their respective age group.

Age 13 & Under  /  Ages 14 - 19  /  Ages 20 - 34  /  Ages 35 - 49  /  Ages 50 - 59  /  Age 60 & Over

Men's & Women's 5K WALKER Information

Event Description

  • 5K cross-country walk within the Dick's Sporting Goods Sportsplex at Graham Park (Cranberry Township, PA).  Course includes paved roads, paved trails, and sidewalks.

Registration Fee

  • $25 online through August 4th;  $30 Day of Event.
    No refunds.


  • All registered walkers will receive a Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk T-Shirt
  • Each registered walker will be be given a single Cranberry CUP 5K Run & Walk Raffle Ticket and be eligible for all raffled items. Each raffle ticket can only win once.


  • Walkers are not eligible for awards

Kid's 1-Mile Run Information

Event Description

  • 1 Mile cross-country run within the Dick's Sporting Goods Sportsplex at Graham Park (Cranberry Township, PA).  Course includes paved roads and paved trails.

Registration Fee

  • No fee.   Runners are requested to register online in advance.


  • The Cranberry CUP Kid's 1-Mile Run is restricted to girls and boys ages 13 & under.  All 1-Mile Run participants are asked to register online so that they can be recognized.


  • Participants are not eligible for promotional T-Shirts.

5K Run Results

The results of the Cranberry CUP 5K Run can be accessed after the event by following link (click on heading) to the Runner's High website.

Raffle for Registered 5K Runners & Walkers

The 5K Raffle will take place at the Awards Ceremony immediately following the completion of all events. Raffled items will include products and services as donated by our generous supporters.


Cranberry CUP 5K Runners & Walkers are asked to park in the gravel lot past the soccer fields at the farthest end of Graham Park Drive.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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