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Water for South Sudan 5k

Sat October 27, 2018 Erie, PA 16505 US Directions


5k Run

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT


1 Peninsula Drive
Erie, PA US 16505


This 5k will be held at Presque Isle State Park on October 27, 2018. The race will be coordinated by student volunteers from the class of 2019 at Mercyhurst Preparatory School to raise $15,000 to fund the construction of a well in South Sudan. This well would provide citizens of South Sudan with access to clean drinking water.

This is not a timed race. This is a family event - strollers and dogs (on leashes) are welcome. We strongly encourage participants to come in costume, and trick-or-treat stations will be set up along the course. After the race, all participants are encouraged to visit the Tom Ridge Environmental Center, where they will be hosting their TREC-or-Treat event and guests can enjoy treat stations, a costume contest, and a Halloween movie!

Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the race will begin at 9 a.m. rain or shine!

Race T-shirts and custom reusable water bottles will be available for purchase upon registration, and can be picked up the day of the race.


Race Contact Info

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