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Flying Feet Spring 2021 - Littlestown, PA and Westminster, MD

Mon March 15 - Sun May 30 Hanover, PA 17331 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Hanover, PA US 17331


NEW FOR SPRING 2021 - LITTLESTOWN, PA WORKOUT LOCATION (Minimum of 10 runners required to hold workouts at this location.)

11-week running program from March 15th thru May 30th 

Program Summary – Flying Feet, coordinated by coach Dave Griffin, is a running program for runners of all paces and experience levels.  Griffin has over 40 years of running experience and over 15 years of experience coaching runners.  Flying Feet has two primary areas of focus: (1) Bring the training principles used by elite runners to the local running community.  Though some modification is needed for most runners, the principles of running success are universal, and local runners can gain significant benefits by using them and (2) Teach how running experiences can help a person live life more fully.  

Training Plans – Training plans will be provided for a variety of race distances.  The plans will include detailed instructions so that participants can use the plans effectively.  Fitness plans will also be provided and can be used by those who do not race but still want the support and encouragement of a group.

Coached Workouts – Weekly coached workouts will be offered in Littlestown and Westminster.  Each workout will be planned so that runners receive the training benefits required to prepare for target races.  In addition to the workout itself, instruction will be provided to help runners learn the fundamental concepts of training.  These sessions will be held at 6:30 on Tuesday evenings in Littlestown and 6:30 Wednesday evenings in Westminster.   Saturday workouts will be held every 3rd week in both locations.  A complete schedule of coached workouts will be provided at the start of the season.  

Flying Feet Distance Festival – On Saturday, May 23, a 5K & 10K race will be held in Westminster, MD for Flying Feet participants.  There is no additional cost for this race.

Registration fees, deadlines, and participation limits – The fee for this program is $90 if registered prior to March 15th.  The fee will increase to $100 after this date.  A minimum of 10 runners must register for the Littlestown, PA location for workouts to be held at this location.  A $90 refund will be offered to PA registrants if this registration requirement is not met.

Covid Rules - 

· Do not come to a workout if you are ill, have a fever, or if you have been exposed to anyone with Covid-19.  If any of these things occur, wait 14 days before you join a workout.

· Avoid physical contact.  no hugs, handshakes or high fives.

· When we gather before starting and for workout instructions, stay 6' or more for social distancing.

· Do not spit (some runners do).

· Do not share drinks.  Do bring a drink though because there will be no group water jug.

Race Contact Info

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