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Signs of Spring 5K (run on a golf course!)

Sat March 23, 2013 Honey Brook, PA 19344 US Directions


5K Race

9:00AM EDT

1 Mile Walk

9:05AM EDT


1422 Cambridge Rd
Honey Brook, PA US 19344


Honey Brook Golf Club and OneRunTogether, Inc. are joining efforts to host a 5K Race on the grounds of the Honey Brook Golf Club on March 23, 2013.

The course starts by the clubhouse and winds around this slightly hilly golf course. Race follows the cart path on pavement & grass.


WALKERS INVITED! Families Are Welcome!


Each 5K participant receives water and great refreshments after the race! Accurately measured and timed by Athlete’s Closet Running Store. Water stations on the course. Ample parking and indoor restrooms. No strollers or pets allowed on course.

Awards 5k race: 1st, 2nd & 3rd male & female overall, & 1st place male & female in each age group. Age groups include: 12 & under, 13–15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and  60+. Award Ceremony at 10:15am. 1 mile walk participants are not timed or awarded.


ALL 5k participants receive water, & great refreshments after the race. Register by Feb. 2nd to guarantee your t-shirt! 

Race Contact Info

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