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Harvest Running Festival (Draft)

Fri October 12 - Sat October 13 Landenberg, PA 19350 US Directions RaceJoy Ready
This Race is in Draft Mode


The Peck Friday Night 5K

10/12 6:30PM EDT

The Full Bushel Half Marathon

10/13 7:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

The Bounty Runner 26K

10/12 - 10/13 6:30PM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


3249 Appleton Road
Landenberg, PA US 19350



 A Celebration of Human Potential!


Southern Chester County will be on full display for the 2nd Annual Harvest Running Festival.  A cross-country Friday night 5K in the dark followed the next morning by an exhilarating half marathon. Run one event or do them both to complete The Bounty Runner 26K Challenge.  All of this will be taking place in the most beautiful corner pocket of Southeastern Pennsylvania this October 12th & 13th.

Fox Chase Farm will be host for this spectacular autumn event. Formerly part of the range of the Lenape tribe, this 148 acre working farm will be our Event HQ, with parking, events start and finish, and a field party you won't want to miss! 

The Peck 5K will round Fox Chase Farm on the Geoghegan Trail Friday night.  This unique cross country event will feature a mass start at 6:30PM, just beyond the barn, from where runners will make their way onto the course.  Don't forget your headlamps!  There will be a bonfire celebration at the finish complete with s'mores and spirits!  

The Bushel 21K will start at 7:30AM Saturday October 13th from Fox Chase Farm.  You'll travel along small country roads, past large farms and horse pastures, dipping into the state of Maryland, and passing hundreds of acres of  preserved lands, all in the splendor of autumn. Listen for the Ticking Tomb as you run near London Tract Meeting House and the White Clay Creek Preserve.  There'll be more than enough aid along this course to make these 13.1 miles fly by! Here's the course map. USATF #PA17050NP

*There is a 3:30 minute (16-minute mile) cutoff time for this race. If you are not at the 9.5 mile marker by 10:00AM you will be asked to leave the course in the safety vehicle provided. After this time aid stations will be closed, police will not be monitoring traffic, roads will be re-opened, making safe passage to the finish very difficult. If you do not feel that you can maintain a 16-minute mile or less over the 13.1 mile course, for your safety, please consider a different event.

The Bounty Runner 26K is the designation you deserve for completing both The Peck Friday night and The Bushel on Saturday  You must register for The Bounty 26K in order to receive this special medal and swag!  

All runners will receive finisher medals and specially selected premiums for each event that they're registered for (if registered by September 24, 2018). The Bounty Runners receive special Bounty Runner medal/swag.


The Peck 5K: Overall M/F, Top Masters M/F (40+), Top 3 M/F in ten-year age groups (13 under; 14-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+

The Full Bushel: Overall M/F, Top Masters M/F (40+), Top 3 M/F in ten-year age groups (13 under; 14-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+ 

The Bounty Runner 26K: Overall M/F, Top Master M/F, Top finisher M/F in ten-year age groups (13 under; 14-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+ 

All events are all weather; clouds, wind, rain, snow, or shine. Our goal is to start these events on time at (6:30PM 5K, 7:30AM 21K) and have every runner safely finished by 11:00AM.

Proceeds from this event will benefit Peacedale Preserve in Landenberg, PA and the Mason-Dixon Greenway South in London Britain, PA.  Run local, give local!

More details as the emerge! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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Interactive Race Day Experience with RaceJoy

Live Phone Tracking, GPS Progress Alerts and Cheers!

We are providing you with RaceJoy as part of the official race experience for the Harvest Running Festival.

Download the RaceJoy mobile app in advance to ensure proper phone setup. Invite your friends and family to track you and send you cheers!

Some key RaceJoy features include:

GPS Progress Alerts

  • Receive continual progress updates as you complete your goal.

Live GPS Tracking

  • Remote spectators can track your progress live in a map view. You can also track others.


  • Receive supportive audio cheers from remote friends & family.

Virtual Results (virtual events only)

  • Enter your race-assigned bib number to automatically submit your finish data for real-time scored results.
To use RaceJoy, you must carry your phone and activate tracking on the day you complete your race.
View RaceJoy How-To



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